Multi-purpose substrate with biohumus

The peat substrate is ready for use. Due to the fact that it contains natural components only, it is ideal for growing plants. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

It is made of high-quality peat and bio-compost (biohumus). All-natural bigogumus in combination with peat restores the natural structure of the soil; it does not contain mineral fertilizers, so saturates plants with natural micro and macro elements. It provides stable immunity in plants, increases the vitamins content, improves the yield capacity, and stimulates the growth and flowering of plants.

Package: 6l, 20l bags

Fraction: 5-15 мм
рН: 5,5-6,5
N(general): 120-280 мг/л
Р2О5: 120-200 мг/л
К2О: 140-250 мг/л
Limestone flour
Aqua balance